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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

A picture tells a thousand words - and in historical research,
a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

Rail Heritage WA has collected photographs and images over many years and these are available for research purposes thanks to the assistance of Lotterywest.
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Home > print_P15801-P16000

P1594196 viewsAA class 1519, in green with red and yellow stripe, on the "Westland" express, edge of platform and canopy, side and front view
P15942117 viewsA class 1506, in green with red and yellow stripe, on the "Stacey Lamb Train", rural setting, side and front view
P1594394 viewsA class 1506, in green with red and yellow stripe, on the "Stacey Lamb Train", rural setting, side and front view
P1594485 viewsA class 1511, in green with red and yellow stripe, on goods train, rural setting, side and front view
P1594578 viewsM class 1851, in green with red and yellow stripe, standing outside shed, side and end view, long end to camera
P1594698 viewsRA class 1910, in International safety orange with yellow stripe, end and side view, short end closest to camera
P1594772 viewsA class 1507, in green with red and yellow stripe, on wheat train, rural setting, side and front view
P1594893 viewsA class 1502, in green with red and yellow stripe, on goods train, rural setting, side and front view
P1594975 viewsD class 1564, in green with yellow and red stripe livery, on goods train to Kwinana, side and front view
P15950102 viewsM class 1851, in green with red and yellow stripe, front view, MA class 1862 also in green with red and yellow stripe, on goods train, side and front view, signal lights, light towers, photo taken at night, Forrestfield Hump Yard
P15951105 viewsParcel handling, conveyor belt, parcel handlers at work, trolleys, Kewdale Freight Terminal, interior view
P15952104 viewsWO class iron ore wagons under construction, Boiler Shop North, Midland Workshops, colour version of P00822
P1595392 viewsXE class wagons, under construction, overhead crane, Car Shop, inside Midland Workshops, side and end view
P1595479 viewsOne rake of six QW class wagons, another rake of eight QW class wagons and van, unloading mineral sands, conveyor belt, storage sheds, water pipeline, distant view
P1595580 viewsWN class 525 nickel concentrate tanker, other WN class tankers, Western Mining plant, Kwinana, end and side view
P15956105 viewsQW class 14522 converted mineral sands wagon with container No. 5970, another converted mineral sands wagon with container No. 5954, unloading mineral sands, conveyor belt, Geraldton, side view
P1595787 viewsK class 208, in Westrail orange with blue and white stripe, on the "Indian Pacific" passenger train, with nameboard, on the Bayswater curve, front and side view
P1595874 viewsK class 209, in light blue with dark blue and yellow stripe, on an empty iron ore train at Midland, light signal, front and side view
P1595981 viewsXG class coal hoppers, in "State Energy Commission" blue livery, being loaded, coal loader, side and end view
P1596097 viewsRA class 1908, in Westrail orange with blue stripe but without the white striping, on woodchip train, loading, Lambert, PP line
200 files on 10 page(s) 8