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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P21601-P21800

P2174156 viewsK class 201 leads 2 other K class on a grain train through Midland. ER line.
P2174258 viewsK class 206 leads 2 other K class on an iron ore train through Midland. ER line.
P2174356 viewsXB class 1027 "Marangal" and TA in back ground at West Merredin Locomotive depot. EGR line.
P2174467 viewsXA class 1412 and T class 1803 at West Merredin locomotive depot. EGR line.
P2174558 viewsJ class 104 at Midland Workshops. ER line.
P2174669 viewsXB class 1024 "Kogara" and XB class 1032 "Yeithi" leaving West Merredin on a freight train possibly heading for Corrigin. EGR line.
P2174748 viewsJ class 103 at Midland. ER line
P2174870 viewsL class 256, 271, XB class 1024 "Kogara' West Merredin locomotive depot. EGR line.
P2174966 viewsXA class 1411 at West Merredin locomotive depot. EGR line.
P2175057 viewsAA class 1517, XA class 1412 at West Merredin locomotive depot. EGR line.
P2175162 viewsK class 201 leads 2 unidentified K class hauling a loaded grain train through Midland. ER line
P2175264 viewsSteam crane Albany. GSR line.
P2175359 viewsCollie, sign in collie yard. "Engines or wagon not to pass this point". BN line
P2175469 viewsL class 256 leads an unidentified L class hauling on iron ore train east of Merredin. Train is passing under the eastern goldfields water pipe line. EGR line.
P2175560 viewsJ class 105 at West Merredin locomotive depot. EGR line.
P21756212 viewsVW class 4505 workers van, ex W class 4505, on a works train lifting the former narrow gauge line near Hines Hill. EGR line.
P2175765 viewsLifting the former narrow gauge railway near Doodlakine. EGR li8ne.
P2175873 viewsNarrow gauge cranes West Merredin. EGR line.
P2175959 viewsEast Perth signal box. ER line
P2176062 viewsCollie, yard notice. "Arrange to quench ashes as soon as raked from ash pan". BN line
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