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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

A picture tells a thousand words - and in historical research,
a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

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Home > print_P06601-P06800

P06781340 viewsGER class, grain elevator, wheat bin, Cunderdin, EGR line, Bulk superphosphate experiment (?), unloading wagon using a "Clarke Shovel"
P06782227 viewsWheat bin, Cunderdin, EGR line, trackside view
P06783228 viewsAN class 413 Vice Regal carriage, Pinjarra, side and end view
P06784268 viewsAN class 413 Vice Regal carriage, en route to Dwellingup, PN line, end and side view.
P06785175 viewsGE class wagons loaded with coils of wire netting
P06786192 viewsXBC class 21026 bauxite hopper being unloaded, same as P3922
P06787180 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, side and end view
P06788171 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, inside end view
P06789165 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, end view
P06790162 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, part side view showing loaded with wool bales.
P06791163 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, side view showing loaded with wool bales.
P06792176 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, side and end view showing load covered with tarpaulins.
P06793168 viewsWMB class standard gauge motor vehicle carrying wagon, side and end view
P06794163 viewsJK class caustic soda tanker, Pinjarra, on train being filled
P06795149 viewsJPA class furnace oil tanker, end and side view
P06796220 viewsWF class wagons, (later reclassified to WFDY), under construction, Car Shop, Midland Workshops
P06797173 viewsQUW class 25013, flat wagon adapted for transporting wool bales, part side view showing loaded with wool bales.
P06798185 viewsXE class hopper, Car Shop, Midland Workshops, under construction
P06799212 viewsWF class wagons,(later reclassified to WFDY),under construction, Car Shop, Midland Workshops
P06800455 viewsXG class 20716, being loaded with coal
200 files on 10 page(s) 10