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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P07801-P08000

P07961354 viewsK class 11067 all steel 4 wheel open wagon, side view.
P07962208 viewsHaine St. Pierre loco, abandoned and laying on its side at Peak Hill, front and top view, c1965, same as P 04734,
P07963188 viewsTimber mill, Jarrahdale, overall general view, postcard.
P07964167 viewsMillars locos "Coates" & "Karri", Karridale, side view. Same as P 4477 but better quality.
P07965170 viewsMillars locos "Pioneer", "Samson" & "Samson No.2", Jarrahdale, side and rear views. Same as P4573 but better quality.
P07966220 viewsG class 114, large crowd for the opening of the Jarrahwood-Nannup Railway, WN line, opened by the Colonial Treasurer, Frank Wilson and Sir John Forrest. A special train took guests to Nannup even though public trains had been operating since 26th March 1909.
P07967183 viewsMillars loco "Grafter", with crew posing on loco, side and front view.
P07968197 viewsMillars loco "Kirup", Jarrahdale, arriving with the French Mission. Loco decorated
P07969296 viewsWorkers houses, Jarrahdale Mill, overall view, postcard. Same as P4555 but better quality
P07970163 viewsMill, Jarrahdale, overall view, shows railway tracks in foreground, postcard, Same as P4535 but better quality.
P07971167 viewsMill, Jarrahdale, overall view, shows timber racks and substantial house in background, postcard.
P07972159 viewsMill, Jarrahdale, overall view, shows railway tracks in foreground, wooden water tank, log wagons, postcard.
P07973200 viewsM. C . Davies loco "Kate" at Karridale hauling karri logs, side and end view. Same as P4478 but better quality.
P07974150 viewsMillars loco "Noyes" with crew, Barton's Mill, side and front view
P07975159 viewsMillars loco "Menzies", log train, side and front view of loco
P07976167 viewsMillars loco "Denmark", side and front view, on log train. Postcard, same as P0920.
P07977174 viewsMillars loco "Samson" hauling sawn timber from Jarrahdale. Possibly the opposite end of train in P4574.
P07978175 viewsTrucks, timber yard, Yarloop Top Yard - Johnson Road crossing
P07979149 viewsTimber stacks, Yarloop, air seasoning fruit case boards.
P07980158 viewsLevel crossing, Johnson Road, Yarloop Top Yard.
200 files on 10 page(s) 9