P08061186 viewsMillars loco No.68, Quinninup Mill, east end
P08062160 viewsMillars loco No.61 at Mundijong, derailed, front view, same as P4682
P08063168 viewsAdelaide Timber Co. loco No.71, East Witchcliffe, hauling log train in bush
P08064166 viewsBunnings Shay loco, Argyle Mill, cylinder side view, derelict
P08065151 viewsMillars loco "Kanowna" with crew, Yarloop, front and side view.
P08066135 viewsKauri Timber Co. loco "Kauri", side view of Bellaire boiler, cab and tender.
P08067148 viewsKauri Timber Co. loco "The Blackwood" on log train, front and side view, crew posing in front of loco.
P08068161 viewsMillars loco "Kanowna", Hoffman Mill, hauling log rake. Same as P4645
P08069151 viewsKauri Timber Co. loco No.7, Nannup, side view.
P08070182 viewsI of 4 views of Kauri Timber Co. loco No.109?, derailed, bush line out of Nannup, loco on side with workers. (Ref: "Light Railways", No.172, page 3)
P08071168 views2 of 4 views of Kauri Timber Co. loco No.109?, derailed, bush line out of Nannup, loco on side with workers
P08072177 views3 of 4 views of Kauri Timber Co. loco No.109?, derailed, bush line out of Nannup, loco being righted with cable around the boiler.
P08073168 views4 of 4 views of Kauri Timber Co. loco No.109?, derailed, bush line out of Nannup, loco righted.
P08074280 viewsFS class, Turntable, Pemberton, PP line, loco has run off the end of the Sellers turntable
P08075217 viewsDouble headed FS class locos, trestle bridge, near Pemberton, PP line, goods train out of Pemberton for Manjimup on the "1 Mile" trestle bridge.
P08076141 viewsSSM loco "Jarnadup", side and front view
P08077138 viewsDD class or DM class loco, Hamel, SWR line, distant view of the loco from within the pine plantation
P08078139 viewsFS class loco, Hamel, SWR line, view of train from within the pine plantation
P08079177 viewsWillamette log hauler, Jardee, front and side view.
P08080167 viewsAbandoned and overgrown track, Ferguson's Tramway, Cookernup - Logue Brook
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