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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P09801-P10000

P09981188 viewsV class 1207, up goods, cattle wagon, motor car body wagons, approaching No 1 Cut, Avon Valley line.
P09982169 viewsV class 1207, up goods, inside No 1 Cut, Avon Valley line.
P09983218 viewsDD class 592, platform, platform canopy, top of station building, horseshoe bridge, bogie van in Fremantle dock, Wickham car behind dock, Perth station. Wellard tour train. ER line.
P09984193 viewsDD class 592, Australind carriages, cutting near West Leederville. Wellard tour train. ER line.
P09985174 viewsDD class 592, water column, signals, taking water at Fremantle. Wellard tour train. ER line.
P09986161 viewsDD class 592, Australind carriages, preparations for Kwinana yard, Kwinana. Wellard tour train. FM line.
P09987216 viewsDD class 592, Australind carriages, separate narrow and standard gauge tracks, Fremantle distant signals, future Fishing Boat Harbour site. Wellard tour train. FM line.
P09988237 viewsPMR class 733, down goods, level crossing, shunting at south end of Armadale. SWR line. With a train of loaded wagons with sleepers
P09989212 viewsPMR class 733, down goods, station building, platform, nameboard platform scales, advertising "Aunt Mary's Baking Powder", Mundijong. SWR line.
P09990167 viewsPMR class 733, down goods, picking up sheep wagons, goods shed, water tower, on loop line, 34 mile peg, Serpentine. SWR line.
P09991153 viewsPMR class 733, down goods, picking up sheep wagons, on loop line, 34 mile peg, Serpentine. SWR line.
P09992153 viewsPMR class 733, down goods, picking up sheep wagons, on loop line, Serpentine. SWR line.
P09993186 viewsPM class 708, up coal in back platform, PMR class 724 up goods in Up platform, goods shed, platforms, part of station building, canopy, Pinjarra. SWR line.
P09994196 viewsPMR class 724, up goods, water tower, water column, back of signals, 54 mile peg, ex MRWA AC class wagon, departing Pinjarra. SWR line.
P09995169 viewsPMR class 733, down goods arriving Down platform, PM class 708 up goods in back platform, crews changing over, Pinjarra. SWR line.
P09996175 viewsPMR class 724, up goods, water column, Armadale. SWR line.
P09997159 viewsPMR class 724, valve gear detail.
P09998188 viewsPMR class 724, up goods, north of Kelmscott. SWR line.
P09999200 viewsJ class 104, Leighton yards. ER line.
P10000343 viewsW class 941, down goods, at speed, between Picton Junction and Dardanup. PP line.
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