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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P09801-P10000

P09961168 viewsS class 545 "DALE", without wheels, outside maintenance shed, Bunbury loco shed. SWR line.
P09962149 viewsS class 545 "DALE", without wheels, outside maintenance shed, Bunbury loco shed. SWR line.
P09963174 viewsG class 117, inside roundhouse, Bunbury loco shed. SWR line.
P09964152 viewsG class 123, inside roundhouse, Bunbury loco shed. SWR line.
P09965174 viewsV class 1214, stowing part of load, F class 422 as yard shunter, from ACL class carriage of coach attached tour, Brunswick Junction, SWR line.
P09966165 viewsF class 422 as yard shunter, V class 1214, stowing part of load, taken from ACL class carriage of coach attached tour, Brunswick Junction, SWR line.
P09967177 viewsV class 1214, stowing part of load, front and side view, taken from ACL class carriage of coach attached tour, Brunswick Junction, SWR line.
P09968185 viewsV class 1214, from ACL class carriage of coach attached tour, shelter shed, Olive Hill. BN line.
P09969161 viewsS class 542 "BAKEWELL" in loop, crossing coach attached tour, Beela. BN line.
P09970195 viewsW class 919, W class 935, W class 920, W class 926, W class 901, W class 938, turntable, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09971173 viewsCollie loco shed, S class, V class, W class, FS class tenders visible. BN line.
P09972131 viewsP class 507, numberplate detail. Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09973177 viewsFS class 454, water tower, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09974230 viewsV class 1214, turntable, W class in background, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09975179 viewsV class 1214, turntable, W class in background, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09976163 viewsV class 1214, turntable, W class in background, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09977182 viewsV class 1214, turntable, FS class 451, W class 956, W class 935, W class 920, W class 926 in background, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09978192 viewsS class, V class front ends inside roundhouse, Collie loco shed. BN line.
P09979152 viewsV class 1207, up goods, cattle wagon, motor car body wagons, approaching No 1 Cut, Avon Valley line.
P09980164 viewsV class 1207, up goods, cattle wagon, motor car body wagons, approaching No 1 Cut, Avon Valley line.
200 files on 10 page(s) 9