P10181197 viewsLoco "Coates", Canning Mills, timber train with workers posing in front of loco
P10182111 viewsBush sawmill camp "18 Mile", location Unknown, view shows workers with horses
P10183138 viewsMillars G type loco, on log train, wagons filled with off cuts, log skids, timber mill, Jarrahdale, elevated view over mill
P10184163 viewsSouth Fremantle Power Station, track leading to the ash loading facility, XA class wagons under the loader
P10185109 viewsRA class 1906, ARHS tour train
P10186123 viewsAA class 1516, signals, VW class vans on siding, ARHS tour train.
P10187118 viewsDD class 592, Rivervale Bank, ARHS tour train
P10188121 viewsXA class 1414 "YINDI", ARHS tour train
P10189105 viewsW class 943, on "Vintage Train"
P1019099 viewsDD class 592, ARHS tour train
P10191108 viewsDD class 592, ARHS tour train
P10192134 viewsC class 1701, Mount Lawley, ARHS tour train
P10193142 viewsD class 1564, Welshpool, ARHS tour train.
P10194112 viewsNF class flat wagon with covered load, side view, at the 1963 "Apple Demonstration", tank from JG class tank wagon on elevated stand in the background
P10195157 viewsAI class 1, ex vice regal 4 wheeled carriage plus another 4 wheeled carriage, wagon underframe, Yarloop Worships, internal view.
P10196159 viewsMillars loco "Nevada" ex WAGR C class 2, side and front view, with workers
P10197204 viewsGroup of men on a station platform, location possibly Greenbushes, PP line, The large gentleman in the centre of the group is Sir John Forrest, the station master, Mr F.S. Barnett is on the far left. A clerestory roofed brakevan is on the far left of the photo. The station building on the far right of the photo shows the platform scales, fire buckets and a water bag
P10198186 viewsK class 102 hauling a loaded coal train, station building, Collie, BN line, group of men next to the loco includes the Acting Station Master, Mr F.S. Barnett on the far right
P10199196 viewsStation building, goods shed, loading platform yard crane, Greenbushes, PP line, group of men on the platform includes the station master, Mr F.S. Barnett on the far left. Horse drawn cart at the loading platform loaded with sacks
P10200260 viewsMRWA A class loco, side and front view
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