P04518251 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" on log train at Mornington Mill
P04519277 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at crash site of the Mornington Mill disaster, Wokalup. Copy photo
P04520221 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at Mornington Mill.
P04521254 viewsMillars loco" Jubilee" at Denmark with employees
P04522225 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at Denmark, side view
P04523213 viewsMillars loco" Jubilee" at Wokalup, rear view
P04524216 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at Mornington Mills, side view
P04525217 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at Mornington Mills hauling log train
P04526276 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" wrecked at Mornington Mills disaster, Wokalup.
P04527206 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at Mornington Mills, side view
P04528242 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" at Mornington Mills. Rear view with mill in background
P04529208 viewsMillars loco "Jubilee" outside loco shed at Mornington Mills.
P04530230 viewsRemains of Jarrahdale Mill after fire
P04531226 viewsJarrahdale Mill with hail on the ground
P04532208 viewsNo.2 Mill, Jarrahdale, fruit boards stacked near mill. (postcard))
P04533235 viewsTimber stacked at Rockingham Jetty
P04534223 viewsOriginal mill at Jarrahdale, mainly houses
P04535204 viewsView of Jarrahdale town
P04536181 viewsNo.2 Mill, Jarrahdale, fruit boards stacked near mill. (postcard). Same as P4532
P04537201 viewsJarrahdale Mill No.1, general view showing overhead water tank.
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