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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > trans_T04801-T05000

T0498199 viewsBridge, concrete and steel, under construction, over Avon River, workers, crane, houses, road, GSR line, view from river bed
T04982114 viewsX class 1005 "MEANANGER", another X class diesel, cab of Y class 1102, Forrestfield, side and end view
T04983136 viewsSSM loco No 7, wooden buildings, Shannon River Mill, side and front view
T04984179 viewsCentenary of the Fremantle to Guildford railway. G class 123 "Koombana Queen", G class 233 "Leschenault Lady" running tender first, locos separated by water tanker wagon, double heading tour train, platforms, pedestrian overpass, station buildings, signal box, Subiaco, ER line
T04985139 viewsSteam loco "Kia Ora", PWD steam loco (ex WAGR G class), wheat silos, rake of wagons, front and side view
T04986140 viewsSSM loco No 1, taking on water, workers, forest, Pemberton, front on view
T04987125 viewsMillars loco No 69, wagon loaded with timber, van, side and front view, Palgarup
T04988131 viewsMillars loco No 60, van largely obscured, Wokalup, side and front view
T04989131 viewsW class 909, on passenger train, rake of goods wagons, platform, country station building, points, siding, Busselton, BB line, front and side view
T04990133 viewsW Class 909 on mixed Up train from Busselton, signals, platform, country station buildings, Boyanup, PP line
T04991140 viewsX class 1025, on No 73 goods train, near Mollerin, KBR line, side and front view
T04992156 viewsTurntable, railway barracks, wood piles, Tambellup, GSR line
T04993131 viewsPWD steam loco 19 (ex WAGR G class 50, ex NAR NGA class 80), tanks, silos, scaffold, side tipping wagon mostly obscured, Bunbury, side view
T04994144 viewsAA class 1516, on No 29 goods train, between Ballidu and Damboring, EM line
T04995122 viewsMillars workshops, wooden buildings with red iron roofs, single track, flat trucks, view from track level
T04996191 viewsA class 1508 on goods train, PMR class 730, platform, station building, water column, signal, water tank, Chidlow, ER line
T04997156 viewsW class 960, tender to camera, A class 1502, shed, sidings, Midland, ER line, end and side views
T04998175 viewsPMR class 730, PR class 532 taking on water, platform, station building, workers, water column, water tower, points, Chidlow, ER line
T04999167 viewsX class 1005 "MEANANGER", with Kulja crew of John McCracken, Alf Andrews, and Jim Timms posing in front of the loco, Moondon, KBR line
T05000239 viewsEx Port Hedland to Marble Bar rail motor AI class 432, subsequently sold to State Saw Mills, with lady waving, wooden building, scaffold, Pemberton
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