P04861156 viewsPM class, V class, girder bridge, Roelands, SWR line, bridge under construction or repair
P04862142 viewsV class 1205, loco depot, Fremantle
P04863165 viewsDD class or DM class, loco shed, East Perth Loco Depot
P04864147 viewsFS class, Loco depot, East Perth
P04865176 viewsK class 40, NS class shunters float, Fremantle, shunting
P04866152 viewsDM class 587, grounded van body, loco depot, Midland
P04867126 viewsDD class, suburban passenger train
P04868156 viewsMillars loco No.71 arriving by truck at Pinjarra for restoration by the Hotham Valley Railway
P04869146 viewsMillars loco No.71 arriving by truck at Pinjarra for restoration by the Hotham Valley Railway
P04870132 viewsMillars loco No.71 arriving by truck at Pinjarra for restoration by the Hotham Valley Railway
P04871134 viewsMillars loco No.71 arriving by truck at Pinjarra for restoration by the Hotham Valley Railway
P04872126 viewsW class 902, Midland, head on front view
P04873141 viewsW class 953, Manjimup, PP line, goods train
P04874131 viewsV class 1210, BN line, coal train, crew standing at buffer beam
P04875137 viewsG class 123, R. Moss at the throttle
P04876136 viewsP class 505, Yarloop. SWR line, taking water
P04877164 viewsGWR loco "Pendennis Castle", L class, Midland
P04878153 viewsGWR loco "Pendennis Castle", Midland, tour train
P04879130 viewsSign, railway dam, Merredin, describing operation
P04880162 viewsStone bridge, railway dam, Merredin
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