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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P02001-P02200

P02041488 viewsRailway Road Service Leyland bus No.L86, passenger alighting at bus stop
P02042147 viewsRailway Road Service Hino Bus No.H91 Kings Park, side and front view, Narrows Bridge in the background
P02043161 viewsA class 11, Rail Transport Museum, crowd in front of the loco for the centenary celebrations of the loco
P02044147 viewsG class 117, goods train, location Unknown
P02045207 views1 of 4 views of a derailment at the157-78 mile point on the Donnybrook to Katanning Railway, DK line, between Noggerup and Goonac, GER class 13036 and a GE class wagon derailed, clerestory roofed brakevan behind a VD class bogie van, see P2025-P2028, date of derailment 26/3/1955
P02046192 views2 of 4 views of a derailment at the157-78 mile point on the Donnybrook to Katanning Railway, DK line, between Noggerup and Goonac, GER class 13036 and GE class 12374 and other wagons derailed, date of derailment 26/3/1955
P02047184 views3 of 4 views of a derailment at the157-78 mile point on the Donnybrook to Katanning Railway, DK line, between Noggerup and Goonac, GER class 13282, GER class 13034 and other wagons derailed, date of derailment 26/3/1955
P02048190 views4 of 4 views of a derailment at the157-78 mile point on the Donnybrook to Katanning Railway, DK line, between Noggerup and Goonac, FD class van derailed and stacks of fruit boxes next to the track, date of derailment 26/3/1955
P02049177 viewsTunnel, Swan View, ER line, western portal taken from inside the tunnel looking along the track approaching the tunnel mouth, c1924
P02050189 viewsStation buildings, signal box, Swan View, ER line, overall view looking west, c1924
P02051199 viewsGangers shed, station masters house, station building, Swan View, ER line, view along the track from the east end looking west.
P02052176 viewsBunnings loco M class 23, Lyall's Mill, coupled to R class 1782 loaded with sawn timber, side and rear view, bar cowcatcher on the rear of the tender, c1926
P02053163 viewsBunnings loco M class 23, Lyall's Mill, rear and side view, bar cowcatcher on the rear of the tender, c1927
P02054177 viewsL class 255 (originally EC class 255), newly painted, self trimming tender, side view, c1926
P02055174 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) C class 62, Kalgoorlie, front view
P02056145 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) G class 24, on the Nullarbor, TAR line, front and side view, c1940.
P02057132 viewsF class 286, six wheel ballast plough, ballasting operations, side and front view.
P02058139 viewsTrestle bridge, pile driving derrick, bridge under construction, view along the bridge, possibly Guildford
P02059135 viewsTrestle bridge, pile driving derrick being lifted into position by a steam crane, view along the deck from an adjacent bridge. Possibly Guildford
P02060125 viewsPile driving derrick on trestle bridge construction, newly ballasted adjacent line, view along the track, possibly Guildford.
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