P03201313 viewsU class 653 steam locomotive, side view.
P03202241 viewsS class 541 "Bruce" steam locomotive, side and front view.
P03203259 viewsPR class 139 "Avon" on the Westland Express, side and front view, Perth, ER line.
P03204255 viewsA class 10 steam locomotive on turntable, front and side view, c1943.
P03205611 viewsP class 443 steam locomotive, side and front view, in builders grey livery, c1924.
P03206277 viewsC class 440 steam locomotive, front and side view, passenger carriage, Geraldton, NR line.
P03207244 viewsPR class 521 "Ashburton" steam locomotive, front and side view, York, GSR line.
P03208254 viewsSEC No.1 electric locomotive under catenary, side and end view, East Perth.
P03209220 viewsP class 451 steam locomotive, side view, in grey photographic livery, c1927.
P03210253 viewsOld railway bridge, tracks lifted, Denmark, D line.
P03211225 viewsP class steam locomotive, front and side view, c1940s.
P03212282 viewsWagons, end view, Spearwood, FA line, c1940s.
P03213267 viewsStation building, track side view, vans and wagons, soldiers on the platform, water tower, Moora, MR line, c1940s.
P03214265 viewsGoods train between Geraldton and Mullewa, front and side view, NR line, c1940s.
P03215273 viewsMSA class Garratt steam locomotive, front and side view, c1940s.
P03216262 viewsP class steam locomotive on a goods train, side and front view, signals, Leighton, ER line, c1930s.
P03217329 viewsUp Albany Express approaching Chidlow, upper quadrant signal, ER line.
P03218278 viewsNew ASG class Garratt 29 steam locomotive on a goods train, side and front view, Mosman Park, ER line, c1940s.
P03219266 viewsF class steam locomotive work train, Chidlow, ER line, c1940s.
P03220258 viewsP class steam locomotive, side view, Chidlow, ER line, c1940s.
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