
P03581129 views5 of 7 images of the Cowans Sheldon 60 ton breakdown crane No.31, view along the side of the crane, track level view

P03582136 views6 of 7 images of the Cowans Sheldon 60 ton breakdown crane No.31, side view of the crane and match truck

P03583125 views7 of 7 images of the Cowans Sheldon 60 ton breakdown crane No.31, in steam, jib raised, side and front view

P03584157 viewsRCK class 23966, ex RCA class, with extended sides and ends with a corrugated iron sliding roof, fertilizer being unloaded by truck mounted bucket crane, end view, Moora, MR line

P03585251 viewsRCK class 23966, ex RCA class, with extended sides and ends with a corrugated iron sliding roof, fertilizer being unloaded by truck mounted bucket crane, side and end view, Moora, MR line

P03586194 viewsW class 947awaiting No. 15 Goods to be transported to Albany, end and side view, Wagin, GSR line

P03587161 viewsW class 947, in storage at Collie, BN line, front and side view.

P03588144 viewsL class 5, 0-6-2T with tender, later named "Hotham", side view

P03589141 viewsV class 1223, as new condition, side and front view

P03590147 viewsPMR class 730, fully lined out, in photographic grey livery, side view

P03591165 viewsEC class 246, builders photo, side view, same as P0943

P03592130 viewsF class 420 fitted with an ACFI feedwater heater, side view, background has been whited out

P03593125 viewsB class 1601 DH 0-6-0 loco, side and front view

P03594117 viewsB class 1601 DH 0-6-0 loco, side and front view

P03595140 viewsMillars No. 1 mill at Jarrahdale before 1929, elevated view overlooking the mill and townsite

P03596144 viewsG class 118, 4-6-0. Yard shunting loco at East Perth Loco Sheds, Next to Unknown Rail Car. Side view

P03597171 viewsV class 1216 Loco pulling goods train at Chidlow Railway Station on down loop

P03598147 viewsV class 1212,At Midland Junction Loco yard, Side and front view. Note Cheese Knob in Fore ground

P03599150 viewsV class 1206, 2-8-2,Midland Junction Railway Station on up line fast goods

P03600204 viewsW class 953, 4-8-2,At East Perth Loco Depot on the ready road
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