P04041181 viewsN class 1872, Westrail orange with blue and white stripe, on goods train, Avon Valley line
P04042178 viewsKA class 212 and KA class 211, light blue with yellow and dark blue stripe, double heading nickel train
P04043193 viewsMercedes Westrail bus, blue and white with yellow stripe, Albany area, front and side view
P04044166 viewsMercedes Westrail bus, blue and white with yellow stripe, Albany area, side and front view
P04045177 viewsMercedes Westrail bus, blue and white with yellow stripe, Albany area, front view
P04046166 viewsMercedes Westrail bus, blue and white with yellow stripe, Albany area, Ford Falcon car following, side and front view
P04047179 viewsHino Westrail bus, blue and white with yellow stripe, Albany area, front and side view
P04048178 viewsHino Westrail bus, interior with passengers
P04049176 viewsAV class dining car, interior view, set up for dining, pink and white colour scheme
P04050163 viewsAV class dining car, interior view, set up for a meal, light green colour scheme
P04051217 viewsMarshalling yard, Midland, track level view, Midland Workshops in background left, ER line
P04052219 viewsFaçade of main station building, Perth station, carpark and pedestrian, ER line
P04053216 viewsMain station building, Perth station, Horseshoe Bridge, carpark, ER line
P04054221 viewsPassengers on platform, Perth station, ER line
P04055235 viewsMachine shop, Midland Workshops, wheels, columns before dismantling, interior view of the length of the building
P04056197 viewsDM class 585 on No. 195 Passenger, derailed and resting on side, at Midland Junction, ER line, view of top of loco from track level, date of derailment 30/7/1953
P04057207 viewsV class 1201, front and side view, D class 379, rear view, Perth station, ER line
P04058202 viewsW class 903, Collie shed, BN line, front view, "save me please" chalked on firebox door
P04059205 viewsDS class 369 4-6-4 steam locomotive, number plate on the top right hand corner of the bunker, coal piled high in the bunker, East Perth loco depot, rear view
P04060185 viewsO class 176, driver in cab, side view (part)
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