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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P02801-P03000

P02881200 viewsDB class 1528 "Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale" diesel locomotive, coal wagon, side view, Points lever and indicator, Collie.
P02882173 viewsDB class 1588 "Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup" diesel locomotive spare locomotive, front and side view, Collie.
P02883172 viewsTA 1814 0-6-0 diesel electric shunting locomotive, shunters float, front and side view, Narrogin, SWR line.
P02884147 viewsTA 1814 0-6-0 diesel electric shunter, front view, Narrogin, SWR line.
P02885211 viewsY class 1116 Bo-Bo diesel electric shunting locomotive, shunting the Etmilyn train consist, front and side view, Dwellingup.
P02886164 viewsPerth station looking west from the Horseshoe Bridge, yards, tracks, passenger platform, sheds, ER line.
P02887254 viewsMRWA G class 50 diesel locomotive about too leave Pinjarra with an empty stock movement to Forrestfield with ARHS vintage carriages ARA class 351, AYS class 461, AV class 425, ZJA class 431, AM class 313, AQZ class 423, AQM class 292, ARA class 356, Hotham Valley ARM class 347, AQZ class 424, AZ class 436 and 439, AQL class 290, AZ class 434 and 435, AQZ class 420, AV class 426 and ZJ class 367, front and side view.
P02888218 viewsPemberton Tramway Company's V class 1213 steam locomotive, end and side view, Lyall Siding near Lambert.
P02889196 viewsW class 920 steam locomotive double heading with W class 908 steam locomotive on HVR train entering Dwellingup.
P02890208 viewsPemberton Tramway Company's V class 1213 steam locomotive, end and side view, and three passenger carriages, Lyall Siding near Lambert.
P02891170 viewsAI class 432 petrol coach, side view, PM line, c1935.
P02892159 viewsDort rail motor inspection car, front and side view, c1925.
P02893161 viewsPM class 716 steam locomotive on the No. 849 goods train, front and side view, signal, Claremont, ER line.
P02894151 viewsW class 928 steam locomotive hauling ARHS tour train crossing the Avon River over a wooden trestle bridge between York and Mount Hardey, YB line.
P02895129 viewsMillars 0-6-0T steam locomotive "Geraldton" and tender, side view, Yarloop
P02896162 viewsDM class 588 steam locomotive on passenger train working, bunker and side view, footbridge, Claremont, ER line.
P02897133 views1 of 2, Yard at Bartons Mill, unballasted track, stacks of sawn timber, c1930.
P02898129 views2 of 2, Yard at Bartons Mill, unballasted track, stacks of sawn timber, c1930.
P02899137 viewsLoading timber onto Q type wagons, consignees details on the end of the wagon, Bartons Mill, c1930.
P02900160 viewsG class 71 steam locomotive, station buildings, nameboard, passenger platform, consist of timber trucks, front and side view, Yarloop, SWR line.
200 files on 10 page(s) 5